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Встроенный MCU на 6 участников


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Universe Multicast for xPoint 1.5

The idea is an expansion of the interactive multicast feature into multi point interactive multicast.
Today in Interactive mc there is a control channel between chair and participant and only one participant can be the floor. The chair controls the session. What we need is to expand this logic into “multi floor” participants….
All implementation will be done on xPoint 1.5 named “Universe Multicast”
Detailed information

  1. There are 4 entities.
    1. Universe Multicast Chair. xPoint 1.5.
    2. Universe Multicast Active Participant. xPoint 1.5
    3. Universe Multicast Passive Participant. xPoint 1.5
    4. Regular passive multicast viewer. Any such application. Example: Broadcast viewer
  1. Call flow:
    1. The chair will have 2 lists. Passive and active.
    2. The chair dials out or except calls from other universe multicast xPoint. At this stage the participants are passive and they will be added to the passive participants list.
    3. The chair selects which of the participants will be mixed in the embedded MCU. These are moved to the active list.
    4. The chair can change an active participant to be a passive participant and vice versa. The participant will be notified that his status was changed.
    5. Max Number of active participants is up to chair + 5. (6 port MCU)
    6. Max Number of passive participants is 40.
    7. Active participant should be able to request “data floor”
    8. Not like today, There is no “grant talk”
    9. Passive participants should be able to request floor (become active). The chair will see it, as today, by a raise of hand on the passive participants list. In case there is an available port the chair can add them. In case the MCU is full a message will ask the user which active participant to move to passive participant list.
    10. As today, the chair can “clear requests”
    11. As today , Chair will have 3 call setting: “auto accept”, ”auto reject” and “ manual answer”
    12. As today , a conference can be password protected when it is not public.
    13. As today, There is “auto grant”. In case there is a free entry . if not the participant and the chair will be notified . The chair can remove someone but the participant will need to apply again.
    14. “Auto grant data” checkbox should be added. Data kidnap logic should be added in this case.
    15. Participant is able to remove him self from active to passive. If he is the last one than the chair will automatic add him self.




Узнать больше:

  Installation & Setup
  Connection Schema
  Remote Control
  Universe Multicast for xPoint 1.5
  Презентация xPoint

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